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2019-05-13 来源: 这里是美国 原文链接 评论1条


11年前,当时年仅11岁的纽约女孩Melanie Thompson在从电影院回家的路上遭到绑架。此后,她被迫从事性交易。在超过8年时间里,她站过街,在网上卖淫,还在地下脱衣舞俱乐部工作。


"I felt like it was never going to end. I was raped all the time, I was bought all the time, people would come and do unimaginable things to me," she told CNN.


"I may be physically out, but I still feel mentally trapped... Even to this day, I still struggle with viewing myself as a person who's worth something more than sex or money," she said.


▲New York street art shines a light on human trafficking (via CNN)

Thompson的故事被画成了壁画。这幅高60英尺宽40英尺的壁画就在纽约曼哈顿的Bridge Street25号。只要用手机软件Behind the Wall扫一扫这幅壁画,就能听到Thompson的悲惨故事。

纽约这些巨幅壁画背后,是儿童被贩卖为奴为娼的故事……(组图) - 1

(Via CNN)


发起这项活动的是一个名为Street Art for Mankind(SAM)的非政府机构,目的是通过艺术提高对儿童奴役问题的认识,打击人口贩卖和儿童贩卖。

The images are not direct representations of the victims, but rather an "allegory of the issue," said Audrey Decker, co-founder of SAM along with her husband Thibault Decker. "The point being that this child could be any child, including ours," she added.

这些图像并不直接代表那些受害者,而是“寓意了(人口贩卖)这个问题,”SAM的联合创始人Audrey Decker说道。她和丈夫Thibault Decker一起创立了SAM。“关键是,这个孩子可以是任何一个孩子,包括我们自己的,”她补充说。

Audrey Decker believes that putting the subject in front of the public in the form of street art will help people realize that modern slavery is everywhere.

Audrey Decker相信,把这个问题用街头艺术的形式,摆在公众面前,将会帮助人们意识到现代奴役无处不在。

"That's why it was important to include a local survivor," she said. "People weren't aware it was happening here... So we decided to make a statement to show it happens right on our doorstep."


▲New York street art shines a light on human trafficking (via CNN)

纽约这些巨幅壁画背后,是儿童被贩卖为奴为娼的故事……(组图) - 2

(Via CNN)

This image tells the story of Henriette, who migrated from Togo to France at the age of 14. 


She told SAM that her parents had sent her there to work for a woman in return for education. However she says she did not go to school, and instead spent almost five years working in the house, sleeping on the floor and eating leftovers. 


French artist, Jo Di Bona created the mural, located on Cliff Street.

法国艺术家Jo Di Bona创作了这幅壁画,就在Cliff街上。

▲New York street art shines a light on human trafficking (via CNN)

纽约这些巨幅壁画背后,是儿童被贩卖为奴为娼的故事……(组图) - 3

(Via CNN)

This mural represents the story of Ibrahim, who says he spent his childhood working as a cocoa picker in Ivory Coast. 


According to the Global Slavery Index, an estimated 891,000 children aged between 10 and 17 years old worked in cocoa production in Ivory Coast between October 2016 and November 2017. 


The mural was painted by French street artist Loic Ercolessl and can be found at 9 Maiden Lane.

这幅壁画是由法国街头艺术家Loic Ercolessl绘制的,它就在Maiden Lane9号。

▲New York street art shines a light on human trafficking (via CNN)

纽约这些巨幅壁画背后,是儿童被贩卖为奴为娼的故事……(组图) - 4

(Via CNN)

This mural represents the story of Ariel, who says he began working as a seafood diver in Honduras aged just seven. 


The International Labour Organization (ILO) says child labor is widespreading in the global fishing industry, and that it's one of the most hazardous occupations. Ariel's account was provided to SAM by the charity World Vision. 

国际劳工组织说,童工现象在全球的渔业蔓延,而渔业又是最危险的职业之一。Ariel的故事是由慈善组织World Vision提供给SAM的。

The mural was painted by Btoy, a Spanish artist, and is located at 243 Water Street.


▲New York street art shines a light on human trafficking (via CNN)

纽约这些巨幅壁画背后,是儿童被贩卖为奴为娼的故事……(组图) - 5

(Via CNN)

This mural represents the problem of child labor in the fashion industry in Bangladesh. It tells the story of Bithi, who says she was sent to work in a factory at the age of 12, helping to make designer jeans. 


According to World Vision, who provided her account to SAM, she helped to make 480 pairs of jeans a day, for which she was paid just over $1. 

World Vision向SAM提供了Bithi的故事。Bithi每天协助生产480条牛仔裤,而她每天的收入只有1美元。

The mural on 28 Cliff Street was painted by Mexican street artist KinMx.


▲New York street art shines a light on human trafficking (via CNN)


Of these, one in four victims were children. In the US, there was an estimated 403,000 people are living in trafficking situations, according to the Global Slavery Index.


"...people need to really open their eyes and understand that this happens right around them every day."


▲New York street art shines a light on human trafficking (via CNN)

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