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2019-12-29 来源: 悉尼市政府 评论2条


悉尼市市长Clover Moore称,2019年悉尼跨年庆典将向百万现场观众和十亿多全球观众展示澳大利亚创意翘楚的宏才。


“无论是火树银花的表演、姹紫嫣红的灯效,还是古老文明《土地的召唤(Calling Country)》仪式,或在午夜烟花喷射天际的刹那所奉献的全澳风格配乐,都是我们向世人展现顶尖国际人才的方式。”

“庆典烟花表演总指导福尔图纳托·福蒂(Fortunato Foti)及其专业团队不断创新,为我们带来灿若繁星的惊喜,我很期待他们今年的创作。”

今年标志着福蒂国际烟花公司(Foti International Fireworks)为悉尼市政府连续创作跨年烟花的第23个年头,该公司专门缔造拥有全球顶尖科技的烟花汇演。



“本届庆典上,曼妙的烟花将分别从悉尼海港大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge)、悉尼歌剧院(Sydney Opera House)和海港水面7艘驳船上直冲天际,新颖造型包括璀璨变色闪星、彩绘花窗风格贝壳和华丽灿柳造型等。”




“我们虽然不能取消跨年庆典烟花表演,但可充分利用这场庆典的强大影响力,为澳大利亚红十字会(Australian Red Cross)筹款,援助旱灾和火灾的受难群体。”

悉尼市政府号召所有在跨年夜造访悉尼的人们和围坐家中观看电视转播的观众都能向红十字会救灾复原基金(Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund)慷慨捐赠。

悉尼跨年焰火来了!幻境十足的海港大桥投影表演,万枚烟花特效迎接2020(组图) - 1

悉尼跨年焰火来了!幻境十足的海港大桥投影表演,万枚烟花特效迎接2020(组图) - 2

悉尼跨年焰火来了!幻境十足的海港大桥投影表演,万枚烟花特效迎接2020(组图) - 3

市政府已向红十字会捐赠了$300,000善款,并向乡村妇女协会(Country Women’s Association)和Wires(新南威尔士州野生动物信息、救助和教育服务有限公司)分别捐款$300,000 和$20,000,以支援受灾民众、灾区和野生动物。

澳大利亚红十字会新南威尔士州/澳大利亚首都地区分会代理会长(Australian Red Cross acting director NSW/ACT)安妮·哈维(Annie Harvey)向市政府的慷慨捐款表示感谢,并呼吁跨年夜的游客和观众爱心相助。

哈维女士说:“我们对市长Clover Moore女士在跨年之际为澳大利亚红十字会救灾复原基金(Australian Red Cross’ Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund)筹款的公众号召深表感谢。”




为澳大利亚红十字会救灾复原基金捐款,请登陆nye.sydney/donate 。

今年,悉尼市政府的庆典官方慈善合作伙伴机构为非营利组织澳大利亚难民委员会(Refugee Council of Australia)。

该组织敦促全澳人民加入欢迎难民运动,做出切实的奉献和善举,以此标志2020年为代表欢迎、包容、接纳和认可的一年(the year of welcome)。



晚7点                         消防拖轮悉尼海港水上表演

晚7点30分               部落战士协会(Tribal Warrior Association)在悉尼海港奉献澳大利亚土著民族传统仪式《欢迎来到这片土地(Welcome to Country)》和烟熏礼

晚8点                        王牌飞行员迈特·豪尔(Matt Hall)在海港上空表演扣人心悬的飞行特技


晚8点30分               悉尼海港大桥桥身彩光特效表演开始

晚9点                         家庭烟花表演,总长8分钟,澳大利亚广播公司ABC电视台举办的“跨年庆典设计个性烟花比赛(Design Your Own Firework competition)” 获奖作品将在该表演中当空闪耀。

晚9点08分               《土地的召唤》 —— 对澳大利亚土著民族渊远文化、历史和文明的崇高敬意

晚9点15分               “海港之光”灯船炫彩大巡游

午夜                            午夜烟花汇演  (总长12分钟)

凌晨2点                    悉尼海港大桥桥墩外墙幻彩投影表演和桥身彩光特效表演结束

媒体信息或图片,请联系Lulu Shen

电话0467 760 604 或邮件[email protected]

采访市长Clover Moore,请联系Jack Begbie.

电话0481 759 580 或邮件[email protected]


Famous fireworks to light up Sydney sky

A fireworks show renowned as the world’s best will form the centrepiece of the stunning Sydney New Year’s Eve spectacle to ring in a new decade.

More than 100,000 fireworks will create a ‘pyrotechnicolour’ extravaganza synchronised to an all-Aussie soundtrack, stunning pylon projections and the brightest lighting beam in the southern hemisphere.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore said 2019 Sydney New Year’s Eve would be an exhibition of Australia’s extraordinary creative talents to the one million people watching around the harbour and more than one billion people viewing around the world.

“Our New Year’s Eve celebrations have become world renowned and synonymous with our city, but we can also proudly boast that they’re all-Australian,” the Lord Mayor said.

“Whether it’s our fireworks, lighting effects, Calling Country ceremony or midnight soundtrack, we’re showing the world that we have some of the best global creative talents.

“Fortunato Foti and his team never cease to amaze us with their stunning fireworks and I very much look forward to seeing what they’ve got planned this year.”

It’s the 23rd consecutive Sydney New Year’s Eve for Foti International Fireworks, who put on one of the most technologically advanced fireworks displays in the world. 

More than 100,000 individual effects will form what Fireworks Director Fortunato Foti is calling a ‘pyrotechnicolour’ extravaganza to welcome 2020.

“It doesn’t matter your age, gender, race or religion – fireworks have the enormous power to unite people, bringing happiness and hope,” Mr Foti said.

“This year we’ll be firing from the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House and seven barges around the harbour, with exciting new effects like colour changing stars, stained-glass shells and glittering willows.

“We’ve synchronised our fireworks to the soundtrack, pylon projections and lighting display for what is going to be our most choreographed show to date.”

The Lord Mayor said all of Sydney had been deeply saddened by the tragic impact of the bushfires, and pledged to use New Year’s Eve to help raise money and awareness for those in need.

“Sydney New Year’s Eve unites people from all over the world with a message of hope for the year to come,” the Lord Mayor said.

“We have committed to harnessing the enormous power of the event to raise more money for drought and fire affected communities, with money going to the Australian Red Cross.”

Visitors to Sydney and those watching at home will be encouraged to donate to the Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund, supporting those impacted by bushfires.

The City of Sydney recently donated $300,000 to the Red Cross, alongside $300,000 to the Country Women’s Association and $20,000 to Wires to support people, communities and wildlife that have been affected by drought and bushfire.

Australian Red Cross acting director NSW/ACT, Annie Harvey, thanked the City of Sydney for its donation and urged New Year’s Eve visitors and viewers to dig deep. 

“We thank Lord Mayor Clover Moore for encouraging community members to make a donation to Australian Red Cross’s Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund this New Year’s Eve,” Ms Harvey said.

“People across Sydney and Australia have been deeply moved by the scale of losses with the recent spate of bushfires, and it has inspired extraordinary acts of kindness and an outpouring of support.

“Making a donation to Red Cross’s Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund means our trained volunteers and staff can be on the frontlines during disasters, including the bushfires we’re currently seeing, and those yet to come.

“It enables us to help give people the support they need – whether that’s help to prepare, a safe place to take shelter, psychological first aid or practical support through the months and even years it can take to recover. The vast majority of our team are volunteers.”

Donations can be made to the Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund at nye.sydney/donate

The Refugee Council of Australia is the official charity partner of 2019 Sydney New Year’s Eve.

They’re urging Australians to make a resolution that counts and sign up to make 2020 the Year of Welcome.

By signing up, you are joining a movement of thousands of people around Australia welcoming refugees and people who come to Australia seeking protection. To sign up, visit:yearofwelcome.org

The City of Sydney New Year’s Eve event times:

7pm                 Fire tug presents its water display on Sydney Harbour

7.30pm            Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony on Sydney Harbour by the               Tribal Warrior Association

8pm                 Air display above Sydney Harbour by flying ace Matt Hall and Sydney                   Harbour Bridge pylon projections start

8.30pm            Sydney Harbour Bridge lighting effects start

9pm                 Family fireworks (8 minutes) includes the ABC Design Your Own                            Firework competition firework display

9.08pm            Calling Country segment honouring Australia’s Indigenous heritage

9.15pm            Harbour of Light parade

12am               Midnight fireworks (12 minutes)

2am                 Sydney Harbour Bridge pylon projection and lighting effects end.

For media inquiries or images, contact Alex Cauchi.

Phone mobile 0467 803 815 or email [email protected]

For interviews with Lord Mayor Clover Moore, contact Jack Begbie.

Phone 0481 759 580 or email [email protected]

For New Year’s event information, visit the Sydney New Year’s Eve website.

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