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独家访谈:澳大利亚数字银行业成热点 牌照如何申请?合规如何建立?

2020-11-24 来源: 澳华财经在线 原文链接 评论0条

——专访EY安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管 Tim Dring

独家访谈:澳大利亚数字银行业成热点 牌照如何申请?合规如何建立? - 1

导读:2019年1月,澳大利亚数字银行领域诸多创业公司全力争夺的全澳第一张数字银行牌照(受限银行业务)花落Volt bank之手,数字银行自此开始正式步入公众视野,并被媒体誉为传统银行潜在的颠覆者。

之后两年内,融金融创新和数字前沿技术为一体的数字银行业在澳洲快速兴起,继Volt bank之后,另有数家公司获得了监管部门APRA批准的数字银行牌照。


正如安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管Tim Dring(EY Oceania Banking and Capital Markets Leader)接受本网采访时表示的那样,,澳大利亚市场对于具有颠覆力量的金融科技公司而言是一个极佳的市场,数字银行方兴未艾,然而传统银行业可能的颠覆者同样亦面临挑战,未来数年内,在渡过有限业务牌照许可期后,它们或将面临更高标准的资本金和反洗钱等合规要求。

独家访谈:澳大利亚数字银行业成热点 牌照如何申请?合规如何建立? - 2

Tim Dring



ACB News:Over the past two years, digital banking in Australia has been developing rapidly. There have been several digital banks that have obtained banking licenses and are providing a more attractive offering than traditional banks’ products and services. Does this mean the Australian regulators are encouraging more and more digital banks to enter into this market? Can you share some background and insights around this?

Tim Dring(安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管):澳大利亚银行业在疫情发生前已面临诸多压力,政府目前愈加重视并着手改善整个行业的格局和竞争秩序。截至目前,澳政府已经采取了一系列举措,包括开放银行(Open Banking)改革、重新考虑15%的持股比例上限以及降低在使用“银行”一词时的资本要求。作为银行业的主管部门,澳大利亚审慎监管局(以下简称“APRA”)也支持推动行业内加强竞争和创新。

Pre COVID-19, the Australian banking industry was under pressure, with an increased focus from the Government on improving competition across the sector. A number of initiatives have been launched to support this, including Open Banking reforms, reconsideration of the maximum 15% cap on shareholding and lowering the capital requirement for the use of the term ‘bank’. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is also supporting the drive for increased competition and innovation within the sector. 


In 2018, APRA introduced a phased approach to support new entrants – including financial technology firms or ‘fintechs’ – to the banking industry. APRA’s initiatives align with global approaches which recognise that licensing frameworks generally predate the technologies and new business models of fintechs and may create unintended barriers for the types of new and innovative businesses that could assist with transforming the financial sector. 

► 针对行业新进入者获取牌照所拟定的政策变更,充分融合并兼顾了经济、科技、客户和监管要求等多重因素。APRA正在尝试通过发放受限性授权存款机构(RADI)牌照方式,使得规模较小但采用更多科技创新而非传统商业模式的新进入者(例如金融科技公司)进入银行业成为可能,从而增加行业竞争力并优化了行业竞争格局。市场亦期望通过改革,使得依旧处于APRA监管之下的银行业,能够为客户提供更好的产品和服务。

► The proposed changes to licensing new entrants recognise the convergence of economic, technology, customer and regulatory forces. APRA is trying to increase competition and contestability, by enabling entrants which are small in size or employ non-traditional business models leveraging greater use of technology (such as fintechs) to potentially enter the industry, through a Restricted ADI licence. This is also expected to drive better customer outcomes, with APRA keeping a watching brief in this space. 

► 拟定的变革旨在创建公平竞争环境,并解决存在的如专业信用卡机构(SCCI)牌照低获批率的问题。这些变革无意使潜在申请者处于有利地位或使现有银行机构处于不利地位,也不意味着降低最终行业准入门槛或全牌照要求。

► The proposed reforms are designed to level the playing field and aim to overcome the low take-up rates of previous initiatives, such as the Specialist Credit Card Institutions (SCCIs) Licence. They are not intended to advantage potential applicants or disadvantage incumbent banking institutions, and do not contemplate a lowering of the ultimate bar to entry or full licence requirements. 

► 分阶段授予牌照的方法,旨在减少那些阻碍行业新进入者的关键性障碍,如金额不菲的资本金要求以及申请牌照所需的各种资源和IT基础设施。做到这一点主要是通过在获得授权存款机构全牌照所需的时间方面提供让步。而金融债权计划(Financial Claims Scheme)将继续适用(对受限性授权存款机构有一定限制)并要求保持健全的退出计划以保护存款人,因此存款人的权益维护将不会受到损害。

► The phased licensing approach seeks to mitigate some of the key barriers for new entrants – such as the onerous capital requirements, resource commitments and IT infrastructure. It does this mainly by providing concessions regarding the timeframe required to gain a full ADI licence. Depositor protection will not be compromised, with the Financial Claims Scheme (FCS) continuing to apply (with certain limits for Restricted ADIs) and the requirement to maintain a robust exit plan to protect depositors. 

► 分阶段授予牌照的模式下,获取受限银行业务牌照的公司,其商业模式在早期即开始受到测试,这意味着投资者可以通过更长期的业绩记录,以及有更多时间使初创公司建立资源和业务能力,并据此来综合评估投资项目的优缺点。这一阶段重点聚焦于银行业新进入者的业务能力和系统的建设,而非是期望受限制性授权存款机构该阶段就会与开展面向公众的存款业务。

► The phased approach allows testing of the business model in a restricted manner (through a restricted license), while also allowing investors time to assess the merits of the investment (through a longer track record and greater lead time for the start-up to build resources and capabilities). The focus is on building capabilities and systems and it is not expected Restricted ADIs will actively conduct deposit-taking business with the general public. 


COVID-19 has had an impact on some of these initiatives though. Following the declaration of the global pandemic by the World Health Organisation, APRA temporarily suspended the issuance of new licences in April this year. Striking the balance between promoting competition and achieving financial stability is something that requires prudent management and, even in stable conditions, a new entrant can be a challenge. 


ACB News:Are there any special requirements from Australian regulatory authorities when it comes to digital banking license applications? The restricted license approach was introduced in 2018 by APRA, what does this mean/involve? What are the main differences in the requirements for a restricted license versus a direct license for the applicant?

Tim Dring(安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管):获得数字授权存款机构的牌照需要大量资源和能力。目前有两种途径可以成为授权存款机构:直接牌照途径和受限牌照途径。


Achieving a digital ADI license requires significant resources and capabilities. For this reason, there are two routes available to become an ADI: the direct route and the restricted route. 

The best pathway depends on an applicant’s particular circumstances and business model. 


► 允许申请者从牌照发放之日起开展其预定的银行业务;

► 申请者必须证明其符合审慎监管框架的要求,并已做好相关银行业务开展的准备;

► 获得直接牌照通常需要12至24个月。

The direct route: 

► Allows applicants to conduct their intended banking business from the date of the granting of the license

► The applicant must demonstrate it meets the prudential framework and be ready to commence banking business 

► The timeline to obtain this type of license is between 12 to 24 months. 


► 为符合条件的申请者提供最长两年期的受限业务牌照,随后其须完全符合审慎监管框架;

► 申请者在获取受限业务牌照后,在培育自身业务能力和建立资源的同时,可以获准开展有限的银行业务,从而帮助其进入该行业;

► 如果申请者无法在获取受限牌照后两年内达到审慎监管框架的全部要求,则受限牌照的持有人届时将需要退出银行业;

► 受限牌照申请获批的时间视具体申请者情况而定,但通常比直接牌照申请所需的12-24个月的时间要快。

The restricted route (established in May 2018): 

► Provides eligible applicants with a restricted license for a maximum of two years before they must meet the prudential framework in full

► Allows them to conduct limited banking business while developing their capabilities and resources, facilitating entry into the sector

► If the applicant is unable to meet the requirements of the prudential framework within two years, the holder of a restricted license would need to exit the banking industry

► The timeline to obtain this type of license is determined on a case-by-case basis, but is faster than the time needed for a direct ADI license, reflecting the proportionately shorter application requirements. 


ACB News:Compared with traditional banks, what is the biggest challenge that digital banks face when applying for a license?

Tim Dring(安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管):澳大利亚银行业的任何新进入者所面临的主要挑战之一,是需要保持充足的监管所需资本,尤其是在增长阶段对资本的需求。通常这是一个巨大的挑战,尤其是在初创阶段产生一级资本(留存收益)的能力可能受到限制的情况下。

One of the main challenges faced by any new entrant in the Australian banking market is the requirement to maintain sufficient regulatory capital and, in particular, the demand on capital in the growth phase. This can be a significant challenge, particularly when the ability to generate tier one capital (retained earnings) may be constrained during the start-up phase.  


ACB News:In the Australian market, digital banks can be quickly recognized and used by individuals and SMEs within a short period of time. Does this mean digital banks are or will challenge the market position of the traditional major banks? In consideration of COVID-19, do you think digital banking is the future trend and will have greater development prospects?

Tim Dring(安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管):新冠疫情的确颠覆并正在改变着越来越多的传统服务提供方式。银行业也未能在这种巨变中幸免。



COVID-19 has resulted in significant disruption to the way in which traditional services have been delivered. The banking sector has not been immune to this change. 

While the incumbent Australian banks had already largely offered an omni-channel experience, during the early phase of COVID-19, we saw the temporary closure of many traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ bank branches, resulting a noticeable shift to contactless and digital banking services. 

For many customers this has accelerated their transition to digital banking services and, for some, the migration will likely be permanent. 


ACB News:As a result of the rapid development of modern science and technology, a group of disruptive companies are emerging and growing wildly at a speed well beyond what we have seen in the past. A recent example of this in the capital market is buy-now-pay-later company Afterpay. Could there be a similar situation appearing in the digital banking space, with the possible to appearance of a unicorn company?  (optional question)

Tim Dring(安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管):总体而言,澳大利亚市场对于具有颠覆力量的金融科技公司是一个极佳的市场,这主要由于智能手机普及率较高并且互联网连接便捷,民众对数字服务有很高的认可和接受度——在疫情期间更是如此。


The Australian market is a great market for disruptive fintech in general, due to high levels of smart phone penetration and internet access plus a general willingness by the population to adopt digital services, even more so with COVID-19. 

The challenge for a potential unicorn is to find and focus on the right niche, where they can start small, think big and scale fast.  

《澳华财经在线》:《澳华财经在线》留意到ASX澳交所去年推出了以科技和创新科技公司为样本成分股的科技板块指数, ASX资本市场在数字银行等FinTech公司未来发展可能扮演什么样的角色及发挥怎样的作用?

ACB News:noticed that the ASX launched a technology sector index based on technology and innovation companies as the sample stocks. What kind of role do you think ASX will play for the development of Fintech companies such as digital banks in the future?

Tim Dring(安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管):作为澳大利亚金融科技和创新生态系统的一部分,澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)已经并将继续发挥关键作用。

The ASX has and will continue to play a critical role as part of Australia’s fintech, and broader innovative technology sector, ecosystem.


ACB News:For those Fintech companies that are currently applying for or have obtained digital banking licenses, will their products, services and business models become homogeneous in the future? What industry opportunities do digital banking companies face in terms of innovation in products and services?

Tim Dring(安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管):必须承认,真正的行业颠覆者亦同样面临挑战。



True disruptors have, at times, had to push the change agenda forward faster than local regulators have been able to move. However, the high level of regulation across the banking sector this will likely somewhat constrain such rapid pace and product innovation. A fintech bank will therefore have to work closely and effectively with regulators to introduce change as fast as they can. COVID-19 related challenges have naturally captured the full attention of the financial services industry, including APRA, over recent months so fintech disruptors will also need to take this into account when considering the speed at which regulatory change can be achieved.  


ACB News:The rise of digital banking will usher in a new era in the use of financial products. As a new player in the market, how can digital banks facilitate KYC, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing better than traditional banks to ensure the compliance and safety of their operations? Is this a new challenge to digital banks?

Tim Dring(安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管):克服某些障碍——例如了解你的客户(KYC)、反洗钱和反恐融资要求——特别是在完全数字化的背景下,无疑是数字银行正在应对的挑战之一。



Clearing hurdles like KYC and AML/CTF requirements, especially in a fully digital context, are certainly among the challenges neo-banks are addressing. However, the COVID-19 climate has also dialled up the pressure from customers on traditional players to remove any remaining barriers, such as wet signatures, to fully serving both new and existing customers digitally. To outperform traditional banks, neo-banks will have to ‘out-experience’ and ‘out-execute’ incumbent players in those customer experiences where they choose to compete. 

编辑寄语:数字银行是澳大利亚金融科技市场快速发展的一个重要分支,目前已吸引了众多机构和私募股权基金机构的青睐,《澳华财经在线》很高兴能够有机会分享安永大洋洲区银行和资本市场行业主管Tim Dring对澳数字行业现状和趋势的专业点评和解读,在此向Tim表示谢意,同时对为本次访谈提供支持和协助的安永悉尼Catherine Qian(钱盈均女士)一道表示衷心感谢。

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