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2024-08-29 来源: 李逸仙JasonLi 原文链接 评论0条

悼念在Burwood遇害的中国留学生Xiaoting(图) - 1

8月12日,一名悉尼大学的留学生在Burwood遇害。她只有21岁。本周二傍晚,妇女和女孩庇护中心(WAGEC)在Burwood Park为她举行了守夜悼念活动,我和Burwood市长John Faker、Burwood警察局长Christine McDonald和悉尼大学副校长Mark Scott现场发表了悼词。







On 12 August, a university of Sydney international student was murdered allegedly by her partner in Burwood. She was just 21 years old. The Women and Girls Refuge Centre held a vigil for her in Burwood Park on Tuesday evening at which I, the Mayor of Burwood John Faker, Burwood Police Superintendent Christine McDonald and University of Sydney Vice Chancellor Mark Scott spoke. 

When Xiaoting came to Australia to study she would have been full of dreams and hopes for her future. She was just 21 years old. We can’t imagine the grief and shattered dreams of her parents and family. I didn't know her, but I somehow feel that I did. She lived among us here in Burwood. She walked our streets, visited our restaurants and milk tea shops, shopped at our supermarkets. We probably passed on her the street on her way, or on our way to Burwood station to take the train to uni. She was one of us. She was part of our Burwood family and our University of Sydney family. She was our sister. And so it is that this horrible disease of ours, this scourge of domestic and family violence that afflicts our community, has impacted her too in the most unthinkable way. We, the NSW Government, understand that we need to do all we can to address domestic and family violence. We have committed $280 million to this challenge. We hope we can do better. We must do better. Too many lives have been lost and too many families have been shattered. It is a collective responsibility not just for police, not just for government, not just for universities, but for all of us. But for now, we remember and we honour Xiaoting. 

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