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Motorola VMIVME-4116 8 通道 16 位分辨率模拟输出板

2024-04-30 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

• 8 channels

• 16-bit DACs

• Fast settling: 10 µs maximum to ±0.003 percent of FSR

• Buffered voltage output (±10 V at 5 mA)

• Multiplexed programmable outputs on P2 connector for testing analog outputs

• Double-buffered data latches

• Jumper-selectable synchronized update control

• Selectable external update control input or software-controlled strobe provides single update strobe for all DAC outputs

• Front panel fail LED

• High reliability DIN-type output connector

• Outputs set to 0.0 V on power up

— Outputs are automatically disconnected from the field at power up

• Double Eurocard form factor

• Supports VMIC’s analog expansion and Built-in-Test bus (AMXbus™) that interconnects the P2 connectors of various VMIC ADC and DAC boards and expansion multiplexer boards

• Multiplexed programmable outputs for testing analog input multiplexer boards

— Requires VMIC ADC board and AMXbus for Built-In-Test


Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Board performs digital-to-analog conversion on 16-bit positive true offset binary or two’s complement coded words, with an analog output range of -10 to +10 V. This provides for a resolution of 305 µV for each digital input of 1 LSB change. The buffered output voltage settles to within 1/2 LSB in 10 µs.

The DAC offers a Digital-to-Analog Integrated Circuit (IC) per channel. A Control and Status Register (CSR) is loaded by the processor and this register controls the functioning of the board. The CSR can be read by the processor at any time. The VMIVME-4116 board functional block diagram is shown in Figure 1. Each of the eight DACs is preceded by double-buffered data latches.

The data latches allow versatility in the way the DAC analog output may be updated.

There are three methods by which new data can be converted by a DAC. Each method is enabled/disabled by on-board jumpers and is further controlled by a CSR that must be loaded by the user.


Compatibility: The VMIVME-4116 Analog Output Board is a standard, double height, printed circuit board which is compatible with the VMEbus specification.

Board Address: The physical address for the board is selected by 12 DIP switches. VMEbus address lines A05 through A15 are decoded for board selection.

VMEbus Access: Address modifier bits are jumper-selectable to support nonprivileged short I/O or supervisory short I/O access. The board is factory configured for supervisory short I/O access.

Data Transfer: Data can be written to one of the eight Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) in bytes or words (via data bits D00 through D15). Bipolar operation(-10 to +10 V output) uses offset binary coding or two’s complement binary coding.

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