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【床垫资讯】派拉蒙睡眠(Paramount Sleep)将推出东海岸豪华系列

2024-07-22 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


弗吉尼亚州诺福克(2024 年 7 月 12 日)— 派拉蒙睡眠公司将于 7 月 28 日至 8 月 1 日在拉斯维加斯市场推出其全新升级的东海岸奢华系列,其特色包括当地采购的纯弗吉尼亚棉等特殊组件。

NORFOLK, Va. (July 12, 2024) — Paramount Sleep Company will unveil its newly enhanced east coast luxury collection during the Las Vegas Market, July 28-August 1, featuring special components including locally sourced, pure Virginia cotton.

重新设计的 2024-2025 派拉蒙系列颂扬了四代永恒的工艺和家族所有权,这些工艺和所有权将该品牌从一家当地床垫工厂打造为一家最先进的制造商,并在全国各地设有战略位置的联盟制造工厂。

The redesigned 2024-2025 Paramount Collection celebrates the four generations of timeless craftsmanship and family ownership that built the brand from a local mattress factory into a state-of-the-art manufacturer with additional alliance manufacturing facilities strategically located across the country.

全新派拉蒙系列床垫在美国手工制作,每张床垫均采用弗吉尼亚州棉花。第三代所有者兼董事总经理理查德·戴蒙斯坦 (Richard Diamonstein) 在与弗吉尼亚州农业部和当地一家轧棉厂建立密切合作关系方面发挥了重要作用,使该系列床垫采用 100% 纯弗吉尼亚州白色蓬松棉花,这些棉花可直接追溯到弗吉尼亚州萨福克郡的田地。

Handcrafted in the USA, the new Paramount Collection proudly features Virginia sourced cotton in every mattress. Third-generation owner and managing director Richard Diamonstein was instrumental in developing the close collaboration with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and a local gin mill to bring forth the collection’s use of 100% pure Virginia white fluffy cotton, traceable directly from the fields of Suffolk, Virginia.


“American consumers will love the story of the Paramount Collection. We are the first domestic mattress manufacturer to use locally grown, harvested and processed cotton from our home state of Virginia. To fully appreciate the natural breathability and superior comfort that Virginia cotton offers, we made it the primary cushioning material in every Paramount mattress,” said Richard Fleck, president of Paramount Sleep Company.

该派拉蒙 (Paramount) 系列包括其他优质材料和组件,打造出真正的豪华床垫系列,例如采用 100% 新西兰羊毛和羊绒的丝毛羊绒混纺床罩,具有吸湿排汗的功效,可让您获得持久凉爽的睡眠。

This Paramount collection includes other premium materials and components making a true luxury mattress line, such as a silk-wool cashmere blend cover with 100% New Zealand wool and cashmere for moisture-wicking benefits and long-lasting cool sleep.

它还提供天然乳胶缝制分区腰部,以提供有针对性的支撑并减少身体压痕,加上手工簇绒以提供增强的支撑和长期耐用性。包括 GOLS 认证乳胶和高密度凝胶记忆泡沫在内的特殊材料是舒适层中最好的。

It also offers natural latex quilted zoned lumbar for targeted support and reduced body impression, plus hand-tufting to provide enhanced support and long-term durability. Specialty materials including GOLS certified latex and high-density gel memory foam are among the best in comfort layers.

该系列由七款床垫组成,设计独特,可满足个人舒适偏好。该系列的型号名称反映了 Diamonstein 家族的历史和公司在弗吉尼亚州的根源。建议零售价范围为 1,999-4,999 美元,仅限大号床垫。

The collection is comprised of seven mattresses with distinctly designed feels to suit individual comfort preferences. The line’s model names reflect the Diamonstein family history and company roots in Virginia. Suggested retail price range of $1,999-$4,999, queen mattress only.

新款 Paramount Sleep 系列将在 C-1595 即将举行的夏季市场(与 Purecare 和 Knickerbocker 共享空间)上展出,并以热门样品折扣和库存折扣在市场上销售。

Showcasing at the upcoming summer market in C-1595 (shared space with Purecare and Knickerbocker), the new Paramount Sleep Collection will be offered at market with hot floor sample discounts and a stock discount.


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